Bioherb -

Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada

Non-Viral Chronic Hepatitis
(Auto-Immune Disease)
(Elevated Liver Enzymes)

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient with history of liver problem (non-viral Hepatitis) due to auto-Immune disease. Blood report indicates Anti-DNA antibodies >200 IU/mL while normal range is <25 IU. Liver enzymes (ALT and AST) were elevated with low platelet count of 119. After taking Liv-Herbal Formula for a few months, both liver enzymes dropped to normal and there was a significant increase in platelet count.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work was done at standard laboratories and hospital in the USA .

Adenocarcinoma of Liver with unknown origin
(Elevated liver enzymes)

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

nonviral hep

( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work was done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Note: Patient diagnosed with last stage Adenocarcinoma of Liver and therefore, no conventional treatment could be given. Took our Cancer Treatment Program for three months. Liv-Herbal Formula was given as a part of our Cancer Treatment Program that includes seven different products.

Liver Cancer (non-small cell)
(Elevated liver enzymes)
Patient was told by the experts that he hardly has a week to live!

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

nonviral hep

( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work was done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Note: 78 years old patient with advanced liver cancer. Started Liv-Herbal Formula (as a part of our cancer treatment program) with few ml at a time and gradually recovered.

Liver Problem
Elevated Gamma GT in Patient with Behcet's Syndrome

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Behcet's Syndrome is a chronic relapsing inflammatory disease that can produce recurring painful mouth sores, skin blisters, genital sores and swollen joints. One of the life threatening symptoms of Behcet's Syndrome is inflammation of blood vessels (Vasculitis) through out the body. This can cause blood clot formation, Aneurysms (bulges in weakened blood vessels walls), strokes and kidney damage.
In fact this patient was experiencing aneurysms and blood clots and decided to take Liv-Herbal Formula for elevated gamma GT that persisted for four years.
Prior to taking Liv-Herbal Formula gamma GT was 122.

nonviral hep

( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work was done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada

Note: Canada has a national health care plan that covers patients' medical cost. Immediate or frequent medical tests are requested only when physicians consider it is essential, otherwise, they are done every three to six months, or yearly. When the data presented here indicates improvement after 6 or 9 months or years of taking Liv-Herbal Formula, it does not necessarily mean that one has to take it for that long to see an improvement - the medical tests in these cases were done after a longer period of time.