Bioherb -

Interferon Relapsed Cases

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

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Chronic Viral Hepatitis is mainly caused by Hepatitis B and C viruses. Since viruses have either RNA (Hepatitis C virus) or DNA (Hepatitis B virus), they are non-living and referred as viral particles. In order to multiply (replicate), they need both RNA and DNA that is why they need a host cell to use for its replication. Hepatitis viruses are very specific to the liver cells. They inject their genetic material into the host's healthy liver cells by which they manipulate the host's genetic material for its own replication. As the number of the viral particles (Viron) increases inside the host cell the cells burst (burst within) and each Viron now is capable of invading another healthy liver cell. This causes the death of millions of healthy liver cells.

Liver Enzymes called Transaminases (such as AST and ALT) and Transpeptidases (such as gamma GT) are released from the dead and the injured liver cells and its levels elevate in the blood of the patient. The cause of the damage could be virus or drugs or alcohol, the level of theses enzymes directly depends on the intensity of the liver cells broken down. When the liver recovers from injuries the level of these enzymes drops to normal but unfortunately there is hardly any medicine that can do this. Interferon in combination with anti-Viral drugs is one of the few options but again it can be used only for viral hepatitis, and with its limited effectiveness and many side effects and high cost patients in many countries cannot afford it.

Liv-Herbal Formula is the only unique product that has scientifically and clinically proven to reverse liver damage, enhance liver function and at the same time slowdown Hepatitis B and C replication. From the selected pages of our research data presented here one can see how effectively Liv-Herbal Formula recovers and repairs liver damage and improves its function. It reduces Hepatitis B and C virus load in the blood by 98% to 99.9% and normalizes elevated liver enzymes even in cases where Interferon and Anti-Viral therapy failed even for the second time. Since 2002, Liv-Herbal Formula has shown the same effectiveness in cases of Viral Hepatitis, Non-viral Hepatitis and Alcoholic Liver Disease in all ages and gender.

Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada

Chronic Hepatitis C (genotype 3a) Infection
(Fibrosis stage 2/4 with Inflammation grade 2/4)
(Mild focal fatty changes and modest spotty necrosis)
Interferon and Anti-Viral therapy relapsed for the second time

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient with chronic Hepatitis C (genotype 3a) infection. Biopsy of 2000 shows inflammation grade 2/4 and fibrosis stage 2/4 with fatty changes and modest spotty necrosis. In October 2002 received 24 weeks of Interferon and Ribavirin and at the end of treatment PCR for RNA was negative. However 6 months later PCR for Hep-C RNA was positive with elevated liver enzyme (ALT 78/56). February 2004 started Pegetron (pegylated interferon) and ribavirin but could not tolerate the side effects after 16 weeks so doctors decided to discontinue the treatment. September 2007 patient stared Liv - Herbal Formula for a few months and again in 2008 for a few months. Liver Biopsy of Dec. 2008 shows a significant improvement of liver. Liver enzymes were within the normal range all other blood tests were normal.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work, Biopsy, Serology studies and PCR were done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Chronic Hepatitis C (genotype 1a) Infection
(Liver Biopsy suggested possibility of Cirrhosis)
(Portal Hypertension and risk of Esophageal Varices)

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula in combination with Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin therapy

Patient with history of chronic Hepatitis C (genotype 1a) infection. Liver Biopsy suggested the possibility of Cirrhosis. Evidence of Portal vein Hypertension and risk of Esophageal Varices. After a month of Interferon treatment the PCR was Positive for Hep-C viral RNA presence and after 3 months patient barely achieved a 2-log drop in his viral load. At this time (September 17, 2008) patient started Liv-Herbal Formula. It is reported that Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a does not respond to therapy that well but in this case the 6th month blood test indicated as Negative (No viral RNA was detected in his blood sample). It means that 3 month of taking Liv-Herbal Formula has helped the patient to achieve the results that doctors did not think is possible. This case study suggests that Liv-Herbal Formula definitely contributed to patient's recovery and is safe if taken with Interferon therapy and anti-Viral drug.

hep c

Blood work, Biopsy, Serology studies and PCR were done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Chronic Hepatitis C Patient
Six months Interferon therapy relapsed
Patient is 7 months pregnant

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient with history of chronic Hepatitis C infection in the 7th month of pregnancy. Prior to getting pregnant, patient tried a six months course of Interferon therapy but did not clear the virus. Before starting Liv-Herbal Formula the Hep-C RNA load was 85000 copies per ml and after taking Liv-Formula for about 45 days this count dropped to 11000 copies per ml (87 % reduction).

hep c

Blood work was done at standard laboratories and Hospitals.

Chronic Hepatitis C patient with history of elevated liver enzymes

Patient was on Interferon therapy and Anti-Viral drug for few months but due to its severe side effects doctors decided to stop the treatment.


( ) indicates normal range

Note: Within a month of taking Liv-Herbal Formula patients symptoms and complaints disappeared and since August 2003 patients is living a very healthy life and taking only few jars of Liv-Herbal Formula in a year and no other therapy.
Patient's liver enzymes are monitored based on blood work done at BC Biomedical Laboratories Ltd. Hepatitis C was confirmed by PCR method done at the University of British Columbia, Virology and Reference Laboratory, Vancouver BC, Canada.

Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada

Note: Canada has a national health care plan that covers patients' medical cost. Immediate or frequent medical tests are requested only when physicians consider it is essential, otherwise, they are done every three to six months, or yearly. When the data presented here indicates improvement after 6 or 9 months or years of taking Liv-Herbal Formula, it does not necessarily mean that one has to take it for that long to see an improvement - the medical tests in these cases were done after a longer period of time.