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Recovery of Alcoholic Liver Disease with Liv-Herbal Formula
Our product versus others

Alcohol may cause three types of Liver damage: Fatty Liver, Alcoholic Hepatitis and Cirrhosis (scaring of liver). Most alcoholics have moderate to severe liver damage. Most of the symptoms and suffering that alcoholics experience are due to liver damage and liver malfunction. Besides, Liv-Herbal Formula, there is no medicine that can improve liver function, repair liver damage and reduce Hepatitis virus replication at the same time. For alcoholic liver disease (ALD), doctors can only do very little, such as advise to stop drinking, treat the symptoms by using medicine that reduces ammonia, administer diuretics to increase kidney filtration rate (eGFR), give pain killers, and so on.

Individuals with alcoholic liver damage cannot get enough nutrients from the diet and often lose weight, waste muscle and get weak and therefore, they take refuge in alcohol as a source of caloric energy. Since damaged liver cannot convert ammonia (released from protein digestion) into urea, it results in liver related encephalopathy. The damaged liver cannot produce enough Albumin to maintain water balance, therefore, patients develop ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity) as a result of kidney malfunction. Individuals with alcoholic liver damage usually show elevated levels of the liver enzyme called Transpeptidase (gamma GT), and in severe cases Transaminase enzymes such as AST and ALT are also elevated.

As per the WHO data, there are an estimated 2 million Canadians with ALD, and the healthcare cost for ALD is estimated to be $11 billion per year. Using Liv-Herbal as a treatment for ALD can reduce this cost (see table below).


Since 2002, our patients and customers with alcohol related liver problems have greatly benefited from using Liv-Herbal Formula. It has immensely improved the health of alcoholics with acute and chronic liver failure. Liv-Herbal Formula enhances liver function by normalizing level of Albumin to help improve kidney function. It helps in reducing Ammonia level and prevents liver related encephalopathy. It improves jaundice by reducing bilirubin, and prevents excessive bleeding by increasing platelet count and reducing INR. It helps increase appetite and nutrient absorption, thus improving general health. Only a few Alcoholic cases are presented here as evidence of Liv-Herbal Formula's effectiveness. Liv-Herbal Formula has shown the same effectiveness in cases of Viral and Non-Viral Hepatitis in all ages and genders.

Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada

Patient with Alcoholic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis
Liver and kidneys on the verge of failure

Recovered with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient is hospitalized but there is not much the doctors could do. Liv-Herbal Formula was given to the patient within the hospital and the gradual recovery was observed through medical tests and lab reports.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work was done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Patient has completely recovered and living a normal life.

Alcoholic Liver Disease
(Elevated Liver Enzymes)

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient with chronic Alcoholic Liver Disease.

Before starting Liv - Herbal Formula blood report indicated elevated liver enzymes.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work and Ultrasound were done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Alcoholic Liver Disease
(Elevated Liver Enzymes)

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient was a little discouraged by hearing that there is no treatment available in terms of conventional medicine. No treatment could improve health condition or reduce elevated liver enzymes.
After 3 and a half months of taking Liv-Herbal Formula blood test indicated normal liver enzymes. Since 2005 patient is living a much healthier life and does not need any Liv-Herbal Formula.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work was done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Cirrhosis of Alcoholic Liver

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient with Advanced Cirrhosis and Portal Vein Hypertension

Patient is hospitalized but there is not much the doctors could do. Was given Liv-Herbal Formula and the gradual recovery was observed.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range                         ND = Not Done
Blood work was done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
(Elevated Liver Enzymes)

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient is diagnosed with Alcoholic Liver Disease with Fatty infiltration. Ultrasound indicates diffuse fatty infiltration of the liver and mildly enlarged liver.

Before starting Liv-Herbal Formula blood report indicated a steady increase in liver enzymes.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work and Ultrasound were done at standard laboratories in Canada.

Alcoholic Liver Disease
(Elevated gamma GT)
With severe nosebleed and liver related encephalopathy

Recovery with Liv-Herbal Formula

Patient is diagnosed with Alcoholic Liver Disease with Fatty infiltration. Ultrasound indicates diffuse fatty infiltration and mildly enlarged liver. Patient has Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. Before starting Liv-Herbal Formula patient's blood report indicated a rapid increase in gamma GT.


( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Blood work was done at Standard laboratories in Canada.

Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada

Note: Canada has a national health care plan that covers patients' medical cost. Immediate or frequent medical tests are requested only when physicians consider it is essential, otherwise, they are done every three to six months, or yearly. When the data presented here indicates improvement after 6 or 9 months or years of taking Liv-Herbal Formula, it does not necessarily mean that one has to take it for that long to see an improvement - the medical tests in these cases were done after a longer period of time.